Mr. Guy Johnson
Mr. Guy Johnson, Board Chair of the Dr. Maya Angelou Foundation and only child of Dr. Maya Angelou, passed away peacefully at his home on February 16, 2022 in Oakland, California.
The family of Mr. Guy Johnson deeply appreciates the outpouring of condolences, prayers, and expressions of love received as the news of his passing circulates through the media and the family-village network.
He was respected, cared for, and loved by a large and diverse community. For those of you who have experienced the loss of a loved one, you understand that grieving does not occur on a schedule or timeline, and everyone handles grief differently.
Mr. Guy Johnson lived a full and vital life, and the family will honor his life and legacy with a fitting celebration during the Fall, with more details to come. In lieu of flowers, the family invites you to consider making a charitable gift to the Dr. Maya Angelou Foundation in his honor instead of flowers.
Charitable gifts can be mailed to:
Dr. Maya Angelou Foundation
Attn: Mr. Michael Steele, CPA
3170 Crow Canyon Place
Suite 180
San Ramon, CA 94583
Give online here.
Image by Michael Callopy